Oct. 7 – 9, 2024
Margaritaville Lake Resort
Osage Beach, Missouri
About Steven R. Hall, MD
Steven R. Hall, MD, died tragically after a bicycle accident on Aug. 13, 1983. During his brief and promising career, he was an attending orthopedic surgeon at Truman Medical Center and Saint Luke’s Hospital. He actively participated in their orthopedic residency programs and enthusiastically supported the developing trauma program at Saint Luke’s Hospital.
The Steven R. Hall Memorial Lectureship was established in 1987 in conjunction with the First Annual Midwest Trauma Conference. The first annual Steven R. Hall, MD, Trauma Symposium was held at Big Cedar Lodge in 1997. This year is the 28th anniversary for the Trauma Symposium.
Target audience
This trauma conference offers continuing trauma education opportunities for physicians, nurses, pre-hospital, and others caring for trauma patients. The symposium will provide education related to emergency care in the Midwest.